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Completely flat nose surgery review
The 1st photo: Before The 2nd and 3rd photos: After I had really flat and small nose with a very low nose bridge like a Korean singer, IU… I visited and had consultations with all the clinics famous for rhinoplasty, but I had surgery at Braun at the end of the day. I think it's my best choice of the year! I was really worried because there was a lot of swelling at first. But I shouldn’t have been worried about it. My mom says it is worth the money and my friends keep asking me where I had surgery at. They all admit that my surgery went well. I remember saying that it would take me six months to get rid of all my noses, and now it is my six month. I want to thank the doctor and nurses.
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 为了做整形手术真的考虑了无数次, 当然每个人都会这样吧 呵呵呵 想变漂亮但是一向决定做手术也不是那么简单,费了很长
2010-07-02 敏英 view 29790
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 首先做隆鼻术之前打听了很多家整形医院 上网差了能有一个多月 网络上有整形手术贴吧,进那里面去看别人
2010-07-01 格瑞斯 view 31758
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 6月8日做的手术今天是第2周~ 前几年就开始瞎做隆鼻术... 可是做手术也不是那么简单的事情啊 因为是第一次做手术非常担
2010-06-30 宝丽 view 30067
眼睛都已经3个多月了 去了几家医院听说有自然粘连法双眼皮手术... 第一次是因为室长,第二次是因为院长算则决定要在博朗温整形外科做整形 大家
2010-06-29 康敏 view 29925
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 已经都一个月多了~! 因为我的鼻子一直都很自卑,这次下决心就做了~!! 朋友整形过得医院也去过,上网夜
2010-06-26 娜英 view 30160
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 去年在其他的地方做的鼻子手术没做好,把假体去掉 一直在黑暗中生活着,想要再次手术,
2010-06-25 小白 view 29650
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我做了隆鼻术:) 鼻子是脸部分即将在最中间 一般做整形都是按院长的眼光来设计
2010-06-23 oh1986 view 29787
做双眼皮整形现在过了一个多月 我本身就是眉间离得比较远,眼睛像困的一样似的, 早想做双眼皮手术 决定做手术前其实看朋友做的双眼皮一
2010-06-22 小妖精 view 28808
你好~~ 我现在手术后过了一个多月.. 呵呵 以前就想打算做隆鼻术,但是一直推到现在 听说博朗温整形医院做隆鼻术无用填充物,我就去咨询了 其实
2010-06-22 熊猫 view 30831