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Completely flat nose surgery review
The 1st photo: Before The 2nd and 3rd photos: After I had really flat and small nose with a very low nose bridge like a Korean singer, IU… I visited and had consultations with all the clinics famous for rhinoplasty, but I had surgery at Braun at the end of the day. I think it's my best choice of the year! I was really worried because there was a lot of swelling at first. But I shouldn’t have been worried about it. My mom says it is worth the money and my friends keep asking me where I had surgery at. They all admit that my surgery went well. I remember saying that it would take me six months to get rid of all my noses, and now it is my six month. I want to thank the doctor and nurses.
考虑了很多次做整形手术!!! 果然这次... 只商谈?? 去了医院.... 咨询室长的多情善感的为我咨询.. 接着金太奎院长的咨询,又仔细又认真的给我
2010-04-26 娜雅 view 32465
手术后17天写的后记。 我之前的鼻子比较矮,鼻尖不明显,很是烦恼。 我也不顾自己军人的身份了,在休年假的时候,就果断的做了鼻整形。 手术前
2010-01-04 面球球 view 28682
大家好,李政勋院长给我做了鼻整形。今天是第二周了。 朋友也在博朗温整形外科做的鼻整形,推荐给我 商谈前先照了3D-CT,看照片来商谈比空口说
0203-10-02 海风 view 24630
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 大家好啊~ 今天是我做鼻子之后的第二天! 来博朗温之前我去过很多医院商谈, 也算是拖亲切的室长和细心地院长的福吧
0000-00-00 美丽的柠檬 view 27107
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 你好 我非常满意在博朗温做的隆鼻手术。 在做手术之前考虑了很久,去了好多的医院后觉得
0000-00-00 张赫真 view 25258
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 第一张照片是术前的样子,后两张是术后了 以前不敢照侧面的样子 院长给我做手术已经两个月了 比想象中肿的少,也
0000-00-00 加菲 view 22334
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 大家好,我是金恩雅 手术成功,一定会写后记的,我说话算话吧 大家看了我术后的照片,纷纷联系我,我已经忙的%>_
0000-00-00 金恩雅 view 20436
给完全没有鼻梁的我做了一个漂亮鼻梁的院长 , 太感谢了 ~` 周围人一个个都告诉我鼻子做的很漂亮呢 ~
0000-00-00 林雅兰 view 21972
Like other Korean high school seniors who finished college entrance exam, I also decided to have double eyelid surgery. So, I researched many clinics, and found Braun. I recei
0000-00-00 Bella view 20172