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Nose surgery review
The 1st and 2nd photos: Before surgery The 3rd and 4th photos: After surgery I got nose surgery at Braun. I was so tired after the surgery, but I was so happy that the cottons inside of my nose and the splint were removed. I had very low nose bridge and a lot of fat in my nose tip. And my nose was slightly deviated towards the left. The doctor fixed the deviation and made my nose beautiful so now I can enjoy looking myself in the mirror. During the consultation right before the surgery, the doctor told me not to be nervous because he will do his best. Because of what the doctor told me, I felt comfortable with going in to the operation room. My friends also want to get a consultation after seeing my nose, so I keep recommending Braun a lot. The staff is so kind and I am satisfied with Braun in many ways. Thank you.
我做的整形部位是额部,颧骨,面颊,自己脂肪移植 还有鼻部修复术 现在手术后正好过了2周消肿了不少 越来越变成童颜女生了 手术之前脸上肉不
2010-07-25 水晶 view 30947
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 陪着朋友去整形外科咨询,顺便我也打算咨询一下,和朋友去了狎鸥亭的很多的订房。 当中博朗温整形外科感觉最好 呵呵
2010-07-24 露英 view 29137
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我觉得每天值夜班,尊时不吃饭的原因吧...一年前没有黑眼圈突然出现了黑眼圈... 越来越严重,现在用换装品遮盖也没有
2010-07-24 筝艺 view 29676
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 每次都是因为没有鼻梁还很低,额部也是凹进去的 真是让我苦恼啊~ 两年前开始就打算做整形手术 这次终于决定做手术了
2010-07-23 zz view 29158
你好~ 我是20来岁的男生 有一天觉得眼睛很小就妈妈一起去波浪翁整形外科 院长说我是因为眼睑下垂所以眼睛看起来非常小 停了那句话就安心了,不
2010-07-23 志刚 view 28641
鼻子粗大,鼻尖又是圆圆的。 来到博朗温整形外科想把鼻尖弄漂亮一些 我希望整个的印象变成童颜似的 想起来真是太好了 往嘴唇上打了玻尿酸 确
2010-07-22 慕小丽 view 30977
做的是鼻部修复术 第一次的手术失败,让我很伤心 现在做了修复术真的是很满意 也不那么太高也不那么太低正好~ 手术结果非常满意^^ 妈妈也很高
2010-07-22 平 view 29753
做隆鼻术都过了两周多 现在也差不多消肿了看镜子里面的我也习惯了 妈妈也说我变漂亮了 以前开始就想做隆鼻术,这次做了隆鼻术真是太好了 来博
2010-07-21 崔善爱 view 30082
一开始想起做整形手术考虑了很多次,有打听了很多的地方 结果就在博朗温整形外科做了隆鼻术 现在手术后过了两个月左右,过第一个月的时
2010-07-20 kncc view 29541