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Nose surgery review
The 1st and 2nd photos: Before surgery The 3rd and 4th photos: After surgery I got nose surgery at Braun. I was so tired after the surgery, but I was so happy that the cottons inside of my nose and the splint were removed. I had very low nose bridge and a lot of fat in my nose tip. And my nose was slightly deviated towards the left. The doctor fixed the deviation and made my nose beautiful so now I can enjoy looking myself in the mirror. During the consultation right before the surgery, the doctor told me not to be nervous because he will do his best. Because of what the doctor told me, I felt comfortable with going in to the operation room. My friends also want to get a consultation after seeing my nose, so I keep recommending Braun a lot. The staff is so kind and I am satisfied with Braun in many ways. Thank you.
好久以前就想做双眼皮整形手术 一直推到现在... 这次才决定打算做手术 我希望手术后效果是自然一些不要太明显,就算择了自然粘连发 长
2010-07-13 muffin view 28631
我的眼睛是比较大一点的单眼皮... 就像是猫头鹰眼睛 化妆的话还不错,但是不化妆的时候看起来印象不精神 想要一个精神的印象就通过朋友认识了博
2010-07-11 王诺禹 view 29620
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 双眼皮开内后眼角了~ 方法是埋线法,现在过了两周~ 真是让我很满意~ 然后鼻子也变得很好看~ 又自然又漂亮~  
2010-07-10 汪海 view 31464
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 3年前做的双眼皮手术,现在都开了,下定决心做自然粘连和开后眼角 担心因为是修复术做出来会更不自然ㅜ_ㅜ 我姐姐以
2010-07-09 圈圈 view 30343
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 平时看上去又小又无精打采的眼睛, 歪鼻成了我最大的自卑 1~2年前就想过做整形手术都因胆小害怕放弃了 只是到处打听
2010-07-09 升日 view 29358
因为我的鼻子丑,使我很自卑 上网查了几家医院看到了做鼻部整形最现场的医院 因此我就去了医院首先商谈,左考虑右考虑考虑了一个多月 最后和
2010-07-07 申爱 view 29746
不知不觉之间过了两个多月了 时间过得真快啊 变漂亮的我,每次看镜子的时候都很开心 再过两周后去做再次脂肪移植~
2010-07-06 茜铭 view 29145
我做了鼻子和额部整形 我的额部从小开始就是凹凸凸不平所以时时刻刻都用头发遮住额头 结果下了决心做整形手术 额部一般相当于占面部的1/3,
2010-07-05 孝道若 view 29884
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 院长您还好吗?做完手术已经都过了两个多月。 我在博朗温整形外科决定做手术的最大的原因就是使用睡眠麻醉可以做手
2010-07-05 cindy view 30320