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Nose surgery review
The 1st and 2nd photos: Before surgery The 3rd and 4th photos: After surgery I got nose surgery at Braun. I was so tired after the surgery, but I was so happy that the cottons inside of my nose and the splint were removed. I had very low nose bridge and a lot of fat in my nose tip. And my nose was slightly deviated towards the left. The doctor fixed the deviation and made my nose beautiful so now I can enjoy looking myself in the mirror. During the consultation right before the surgery, the doctor told me not to be nervous because he will do his best. Because of what the doctor told me, I felt comfortable with going in to the operation room. My friends also want to get a consultation after seeing my nose, so I keep recommending Braun a lot. The staff is so kind and I am satisfied with Braun in many ways. Thank you.
说实话真的想做整形... 但是对整形这方面也不了解.... 也没有勇气 上网查了几家医院 当中还是这家的介绍比较最详细 就决定了去博朗温整形外科 手
2010-05-29 钱宁 view 28730
带着一个月以前的紧张的心态来到了博朗温整形外科,咨询后见到院长.. 院长很仔细的为我诊断和以我的感觉来决定在这里做整形。 在别的医院都预约
2010-05-29 艺恩 view 30044
第一次是朋友要做整形跟着他来的... 顺便我也咨询..... 决定了做手术....... 院长的咨询让我心里很舒服.... 一边看我的CT照片给我诊断真的是很稀奇
2010-05-28 吱呀吱呀 view 29053
4月24日做的双眼皮切开法,开内眼角,眼部线条矫正.. 今天正好过了一个月... 手术前的照片没什么可用的.. 虽然没有对比照片 手术后恢复速度很快真
2010-05-27 智英 view 30574
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 你好 ^-^ 现在才写后记 哈哈 因为想给你们看更完美的样子.... 就等到现在 哈=33 手术前我的样子是... 和我的年龄不相称...
2010-05-26 *^^* view 28188
鼻部修复术完全成功!! 现在手术后过了一个月,发肿也不厉害,在侧面看我的鼻梁线条觉得很漂亮 希望做鼻部修复术的人,建议你来博朗温
2010-05-26 金荣熙 view 29477
2月4日做的自然粘连发的双眼皮和开内眼角 今天是第100天~ 平时我对整形有些过反感,虽然因为我的外表平时很自卑,忍忍忍,忍了21年 但是实在不行
2010-05-20 博 view 29273
今天是手术后过了一个月!! 上次打算做隆鼻术上网查了一个星期 在狎鸥亭打听了两家医院 确实上网查和亲自来医院咨询不一样啊 第2次是徐辅
2010-05-19 嘿嘿 view 29074
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 手术后现在都3个月了 手术之前去了几家附近的医院去咨询 其中被我迷住的就是博朗温整形外科 医院的环境也不错 护士
2010-05-17 毓婷 view 30152