Breast surgery gave me my self-esteem back!

After breastfeeding my two daughters, my breasts shrank and became so small... I mean they were already not big enough, but after breast-feeding, I got really stressed out because they became saggy too. I thought that I am not attractive as a woman. My self-esteem was getting too low. So after discussing with my husband I decided to have breast surgery. I have never visited plastic surgery clinic before so I got scared and nervous because it was my first time. I took my husband, which made me comfortable. I thought it was gonna be hard after surgery, but it wasn't too much of a hassle to move around. I was told that my recovery could take a little bit slow because of my age, but whether I am strong or the doctor did a job, I recovered fast! Thank Braun staff for taking care of the scar, even though it's hard to see because of the armpit incision. These days, I think mid age women like me are doing breast surgery a lot ~ I guess every woman wants to be beautiful~ I feel great because my self-esteem also increased, which made me enjoy my life more than before ^^ I want to thank Braun.


ㅜㅜ啊.... 真的... 写了一大堆内容的后记不知摁错了什么 都不见了ㅠ_ㅠ 不管怎么样,做出来的双眼皮让我十分满意 我是先在网络上咨询然后去医院

2010-07-20 诗琪 view 29535


就是那就话,妈妈生下了我,院长改变了我!! 哈哈哈哈哈哈 想做鼻部修复术就去了很多的地方商谈,油茶网络上的后记。 突然之间看到叫博朗温整

2010-07-19 美少年 view 31290


我的两只眼睛大小完全不一样   去过很多的地方商谈,也考虑过了无数次   金太奎院长对我说关于手术结果就不必担心   所以我就相信那句话算

2010-07-17 尹花 view 29456


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我觉的我的鼻子没什么鼻梁鼻头不好看,鼻翼也往两边长... 照相也只照到鼻子,看不到鼻梁... 所以我决定做手术了.. 我

2010-07-16 满足~ view 30663

隆鼻术 【金兑奎院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 鼻子粗大、鼻梁低,而且小的时候嘴唇和鼻子之间相距很短。。。 虽然不是凸出嘴,但是上嘴唇显得凸出来。。。这样的

2010-07-16 高中生~ view 29685


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 眼和眼之间离得比较近,眼底还有黑眼圈 一个月前就想打算做,眼部开后眼角和除去黑眼圈 本身我的眼睛的后眼角是往上

2010-07-15 美莱 view 29972


做手术后今天是第四周   周围的朋友们都夸我很自然,我自己看起来也很满意   每天习惯想看镜子   以为热情的院长为我咨询商谈手术

2010-07-15 斯策尔倪 view 31383


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 做鼻部手术都过了一个月了 今天是最后一次去医院看经过 每次去的时候院长说给我做手术的时候很辛苦 我还没跟院长说

2010-07-14 塞翁 view 30572


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;}   大家好 我是一个备受颧骨突出困扰的20多岁的女孩子 平时听到有人说我印象凶悍这样的话时真的很伤心 所以决

2010-07-13 塞瑞娜 view 29507

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