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Breast surgery gave me my self-esteem back!
After breastfeeding my two daughters, my breasts shrank and became so small... I mean they were already not big enough, but after breast-feeding, I got really stressed out because they became saggy too. I thought that I am not attractive as a woman. My self-esteem was getting too low. So after discussing with my husband I decided to have breast surgery. I have never visited plastic surgery clinic before so I got scared and nervous because it was my first time. I took my husband, which made me comfortable. I thought it was gonna be hard after surgery, but it wasn't too much of a hassle to move around. I was told that my recovery could take a little bit slow because of my age, but whether I am strong or the doctor did a job, I recovered fast! Thank Braun staff for taking care of the scar, even though it's hard to see because of the armpit incision. These days, I think mid age women like me are doing breast surgery a lot ~ I guess every woman wants to be beautiful~ I feel great because my self-esteem also increased, which made me enjoy my life more than before ^^ I want to thank Braun.
说实话真的想做整形... 但是对整形这方面也不了解.... 也没有勇气 上网查了几家医院 当中还是这家的介绍比较最详细 就决定了去博朗温整形外科 手
2010-05-29 钱宁 view 29137
带着一个月以前的紧张的心态来到了博朗温整形外科,咨询后见到院长.. 院长很仔细的为我诊断和以我的感觉来决定在这里做整形。 在别的医院都预约
2010-05-29 艺恩 view 30459
第一次是朋友要做整形跟着他来的... 顺便我也咨询..... 决定了做手术....... 院长的咨询让我心里很舒服.... 一边看我的CT照片给我诊断真的是很稀奇
2010-05-28 吱呀吱呀 view 29464
4月24日做的双眼皮切开法,开内眼角,眼部线条矫正.. 今天正好过了一个月... 手术前的照片没什么可用的.. 虽然没有对比照片 手术后恢复速度很快真
2010-05-27 智英 view 30988
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 你好 ^-^ 现在才写后记 哈哈 因为想给你们看更完美的样子.... 就等到现在 哈=33 手术前我的样子是... 和我的年龄不相称...
2010-05-26 *^^* view 28603
鼻部修复术完全成功!! 现在手术后过了一个月,发肿也不厉害,在侧面看我的鼻梁线条觉得很漂亮 希望做鼻部修复术的人,建议你来博朗温
2010-05-26 金荣熙 view 29893
2月4日做的自然粘连发的双眼皮和开内眼角 今天是第100天~ 平时我对整形有些过反感,虽然因为我的外表平时很自卑,忍忍忍,忍了21年 但是实在不行
2010-05-20 博 view 29686
今天是手术后过了一个月!! 上次打算做隆鼻术上网查了一个星期 在狎鸥亭打听了两家医院 确实上网查和亲自来医院咨询不一样啊 第2次是徐辅
2010-05-19 嘿嘿 view 29481
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 手术后现在都3个月了 手术之前去了几家附近的医院去咨询 其中被我迷住的就是博朗温整形外科 医院的环境也不错 护士
2010-05-17 毓婷 view 30568