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Breast surgery gave me my self-esteem back!
After breastfeeding my two daughters, my breasts shrank and became so small... I mean they were already not big enough, but after breast-feeding, I got really stressed out because they became saggy too. I thought that I am not attractive as a woman. My self-esteem was getting too low. So after discussing with my husband I decided to have breast surgery. I have never visited plastic surgery clinic before so I got scared and nervous because it was my first time. I took my husband, which made me comfortable. I thought it was gonna be hard after surgery, but it wasn't too much of a hassle to move around. I was told that my recovery could take a little bit slow because of my age, but whether I am strong or the doctor did a job, I recovered fast! Thank Braun staff for taking care of the scar, even though it's hard to see because of the armpit incision. These days, I think mid age women like me are doing breast surgery a lot ~ I guess every woman wants to be beautiful~ I feel great because my self-esteem also increased, which made me enjoy my life more than before ^^ I want to thank Braun.
到了二十岁的后半期 , 所以对外貌的关心也越来越多了 ~ 朋友在这里做了鼻部手术之后变得很自然的呢 ~ 게 잘
2014-11-20 H view 21447
我在两个月之前接受了水滴丰胸手术 , 现在已经过了 2 个月啦 ~ 看到我之前的照片应该是能看的出来的 , 我的胸部完全是 A cup 的胸
2014-11-17 棒棒!! view 20236
大家好 ~ !! 我在一个月之前接受了金兑奎院长的 Vline 四角下颌手术 ~~ 没有手术前的照片啦 ~ 不过我的耳朵下方的四角下颌是比较
2014-11-15 paris view 20399
大家好 ~~~ 2 年前接受了金兑奎院长的鼻部手术 因为实在是太自然了做的很好 , 所以想说以后的轮廓
2014-11-13 西西 view 20702
大家好 我从朴善楦院长处在 2 个月前接受的线提升手术 , 现在来上传后记啦 ~ 从后记来
2014-11-10 dooley view 19947
手术后鼻子完全变得好漂亮 >__
2014-11-07 鼻梁女 view 22651
第一次写后记 觉得好奇怪啊 ~~ 如果写的不好还请多多关照 ~~ 要做下巴的手术也是我比别人的下巴更大 , 要削的部分
2014-11-06 蛋糖糖 view 20204
( 第一张照片是手术前照片 ) ( 手术后照片 ) 1 年前开始给鼻
2014-11-04 kikikiki662 view 20511
3 个月前在李政勋院长处接受的鼻部手术 ~~ 照片是在一个月的时候照的照片 ~~ 第一次说我要手
2014-11-01 EJ view 20658