Breast surgery gave me my self-esteem back!

After breastfeeding my two daughters, my breasts shrank and became so small... I mean they were already not big enough, but after breast-feeding, I got really stressed out because they became saggy too. I thought that I am not attractive as a woman. My self-esteem was getting too low. So after discussing with my husband I decided to have breast surgery. I have never visited plastic surgery clinic before so I got scared and nervous because it was my first time. I took my husband, which made me comfortable. I thought it was gonna be hard after surgery, but it wasn't too much of a hassle to move around. I was told that my recovery could take a little bit slow because of my age, but whether I am strong or the doctor did a job, I recovered fast! Thank Braun staff for taking care of the scar, even though it's hard to see because of the armpit incision. These days, I think mid age women like me are doing breast surgery a lot ~ I guess every woman wants to be beautiful~ I feel great because my self-esteem also increased, which made me enjoy my life more than before ^^ I want to thank Braun.


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 大家好,我做了鼻整形有两周了 因为我是修复术,慎重的选了医院 博朗温整形外科的鼻整形的出名已经由来已久 第一次

2014-04-03 GGG view 25786

面部提升2个月后记 【朴善楦院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 因为脸型问题我喝大家一样困扰 我因为轮廓也是十分闹心 自拍的时候也要用手遮遮掩掩的   终于说服了妈妈来到医院商

2014-04-02 莹莹 view 23137

鼻整形后记 【李政勋院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 照片是术后两周的样子 我本来对鼻子的高度要求是很高的 消肿后无论是侧面还是正面鼻尖都很漂亮 眉间的高度也很自然

2014-04-02 咩咩 view 25167

自然粘连双眼皮后记 【曹荣规院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我朋友没有双眼皮的高考后都做了 我因为害怕,一直拖到现在 自然粘连手术据说很自然 商谈后决定了手术 一定要自然

2014-04-01 奥黛丽 view 23562

无下巴整形,驼峰鼻手术后记 【金兑奎院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 院长给我做了无下巴整形,驼峰鼻手术 驼峰的挺严重的,鼻子还歪的厉害,再加上无下巴,惨不忍睹 所以做了无下巴还有

2014-04-01 hihhh view 24034

自然粘连+内眼角+眼尾向下 后记【慎升奎院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我是一单一双的,想要做成漂亮的双眼皮 希望明显大的双眼皮 眼尾有点翘,希望稍微向下一些   以前的眼睛有点凶吧

2014-03-25 玫瑰 view 25930

鼻整形后记 【李政勋院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 今天恰好是手术一个月了 大家看看前后照片吧 术前拜托院长不要太自然的 果然按照我所希望的一模一样 一个鼻整形就

2014-03-21 宾格列 view 30744


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 烦恼了一辈子的鼻子终于解决了 我的鼻子很矮,鼻骨和软骨之间有点凹陷 打过玻尿酸还没有完全消失,鼻骨还有些歪 术

2014-03-19 babygirl view 25116

轮廓整形+鼻整形 6个月后记【金兑奎院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 手术后已经六个月了 脸部的线条很满意,所以留下这个后记   之前脸部的骨骼非常的大 脸看起来很大,很讨厌,照

2014-03-17 Angel view 26829

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