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6 months after square jaw reduction surgery
The 1st photo: Before The 2nd photo: After My jaw has developed since I was a child, and it was quite a complex for me, but I happened to know Braun ps clinic, so first, I had a consultation via phone and then I went to Braun to have the consultation in person because it was hard for me to have the detailed consultation over the phone. Fortunately, I didn't have to do cheekbone reduction surgery so I decided to do square jaw surgery with my front chin reduction (I had the inverted ‘V” shape osteotomy surgery developed by Kim Tae-won himself and the tip of front chin as well.) It has been more than six months after the surgery, I'm living with great satisfaction. Before surgery, every time I looked in the mirror, I was always stressed and discouraged by my asymmetric jaw, but now I feel like I have a new life. And, so much as I forget I had plastic surgery, I have no problem with my daily life. (I can eat a big meat wrap with your mouth wide open.) It doesn't even show on the outside, but it looks natural as if I had had a small, sharp, and good looking chin for my whole life. After the surgery, I was told that I could eat thin rice gruel and porridge for two weeks, but I spent a month and a few days eating gruel and porridge. I started eating regular meal later than others because I did not want to have a problem with the stitches inside the mouth and do not live in Seoul. I didn't have a big problem because I always did not eat each meal. And during the period of eating thin rice gruel and porridge, losing a lot of weight is normal. I ate only thin rice gruel and porridge for a month, so I lost more than 10 kgs. Because of that, my jaw stood out more. However, not only I lost weight, but I also lost muscles, and my physical strength became weak. Once starting eating and the stitches are in place inside the mouth, it's better to exercise. Also, if you wake up from anesthesia after surgery, you may have minor wounds at both ends of your mouth. My jaw was developed a lot, so I had a large amount of jaw to remove, and my mouth was small relatively. Of course, applying ointment and scar treatment cream are helpful. Therefore, it's good to have it in advance. I'm a conservative person, so I could not understand people quite well who had plastic surgery, but I changed my mind a lot. I think people who get plastic surgery are victims of lookism and delicate people. And while some people live with their complexes in their lives, some people struggle with them. If you are always intimidated by them, and if they take up a lot of things in life, and it can change your life by eliminating it, I recommend you make a choice that can change. Of course, I hope it's a choice you don't regret. I want to thank all staff at Braun for taking a good care of me from the beginning til the end.
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