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Facial contouring-Inverted V shape osteotomy and sunken cheeks correction
The front chin is a little long, it seems like my overall jaw is short. So I got it shortened and pushed a little forward. I should have done it earlier. I did I made a good choice. It's so hard to open your mouth for 2 to 3 days, so I had to eat thin rice gruel with a syringe, and I strated eating rice from the 5th day. This is my 2nd week now; I can eat meat very well too. My friends did not recognize that I had the surgery. But they keep asking me what I have done to myself. How people can not notice that I had a bone surgery? I think the doctor did a great job. In my opinion, It is better to have permanent surgery than having fillers. I still have swelling in my face, but I don't care because it will go away over time! I can open my mouth very well now. On the 3rd day, I was very uncomfortable and worried because my lips were swollen like they were about burst. But the swelling subsided and I am getting better so fast that I could go back to my daily life sooner than I thought. I had cheekbone reduction surgery at another hospital, and then I got sunken cheeks after that surgery so I got sunken cheeks correction surgery here at Braun. (Maybe the doctor at Braun is the only one who can correct this.) I had swelling in the beginning, and the surgical area became a little stiff. I think I have to wait and see until the swelling subsides more. Anyway, listening to the doctor was a good decision. The swelling on my lips subsided on the 5th day. I was not able to take a photo before then. Can you see my chin is advanced? The doctor did not overdo it. I trusted the doctor 100% and let him handle everything. It my 2nd week after the surgery, I eat meat well and eat everything well. I also work out. When I work out at the gym, I exercise with a little caution. It is awesome!
It has been 7 weeks since I had rhinoplasty at Braun. Is not long ago right? hahaha It seems like the swelling is almost gone and it is getting a lot better now. At first, I was scared… I was worr
2019-08-13 lovely view 20371
1st photo : Before 2nd photo : After It wasn’t overwhelming, or painful. I literally got back to the daily routine right after taking off the facial band. In fact, what I thought it would be w
2019-08-12 chaekong view 21804
The 1st photo: Before The 2nd photo: After I had a double eyelid revision surgery because it was so thin that I couldn't see it when I opened my eyes. I liked the consultation with the doctor so
2019-08-12 jackpot view 19728
The 1st tier photos: Before surgery The 2nd tier photos: The 2nd, 3rd, 4th day after surgery The 3rd tier photos: After 20 days The 4th tier photos: After 1 month The 5th tier photos(Nose): After
2019-08-09 cucucucu view 24911
1st two photos on the left side : before 1st photo on the right side : one day after the surgery the last 2 photos : one month after the surgery After much of consideration, I chose Braun among
2019-08-09 Kimmyungja view 25573
Left photo: Before Right photos: After I hope my review is helpful for others ~ lol I used to check other people’s reviews but now I am posting mine~ I had breast augmentation with tear drop i
2019-08-08 jjunga view 20948
1st photo: Before 2nd photo: After As my nose was very humpy, I always desired rhinoplasty since highschool. Finally, as soon as I became 18, I got my nose done as I wished I visited some other
2019-08-08 tnalsdl view 20663
The photo above: After As reading other reviews, I think there are a lot of people in my shoes What I would like to say is “get it done as soon as possible” It wasn’t an impulse decision
2019-08-07 dingding view 24537
The bottom first row: Before The second and third row: After I am not a type of person who writes a review but here I am since I truly appreciate the doctor for doing my revision rhinoplasty. Doct
2019-08-06 coco view 23532