2Months after my nose surgery (Dr. Ryu Dong wan)

I got my nose surgery from Braun Plastic Surgery with Dr. Ryu Dong Wan. Now it's my condition after 2 months. The nose bridge was raised with silicone, and the tip of the nose was operated using ear cartilage and donated rib cartilage. My short, low nose has been a complex since I was young. I was afraid of side effects and failures, so I thought about it for a long time and decided to do the operation in my mid-20s. When I saw my pretty face I really satisfied with the result and regret my decision for not doing it earlier. If there is someone who was thinking for a long time to do the surgery, I recommend you to get a consultation. Thank you Doctor. left (before the surgery) right (2 months after surgery)


你好~ 脂肪移植第2次的手术结束了 第一次做脂肪移植的时候没有感觉到疼.. 不知不觉手术就结束了 可是第2次手术的时候有点疼的感觉 周围朋友们对

2010-08-28 Sline view 28843


你好! 我是今年30岁的男生~~ 在博朗温整形外科做了鹰钩鼻矫正术   最近以来做整形男生也很多   可是我的年领也不小了.. 对于我的鼻子也没怎么想

2010-08-27 view 29237

开后眼角+黑眼圈... 30分颧骨... 后记^^

一个多月前去博朗温整形外科做了颧骨和黑眼圈,开后眼角手术   商谈后当天就像马上做手术,但是手术得提前预约才能做;;   因此就预约了最近的

2010-08-26 小熊维尼 view 29792


首先能够在这里写后记... 指的就是是手术结果很成功 果然让我佩服博朗温整形外科鼻部整形水平很高,能说得上是鼻部整形专门医院啊 这几天常常看

2010-08-24 lol view 29246


现在开后眼角.. 以讲过了2个月 这照片是手术后第3周的照片   为了做开后眼角手术去了好几个地方咨询和商谈 其中在博朗温整形外科咨询商谈后就

2010-08-23 博朗温最棒 view 30352


你好 通过这次的暑假做了隆鼻手术的19岁学生 以为鼻梁很矮让我很自卑,一次决定了做整形手术 通过认识人介绍来到了博朗温整形外科,护士们都很

2010-08-23 孙丹菲 view 31774


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 谢谢后记来表达一下我的感谢之情!博朗温医院里的院长护士都好亲切~最重要的是给了我一张这么完美的脸~我是做了脂肪

2010-08-21 黄金戴飞 view 28964


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 想做鼻部手术很多年了~终于做了!又挑剔胆子又小的我看了让人心动的前后对比照片后真的是

2010-08-21 梅西 view 29541


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 大家好啊!做完自然粘连双眼皮和提肌手术后真的是每天美美的~~虽然是简单的双眼皮手术,但是毕竟是在脸上动刀,所以

2010-08-20 魅力眼睛 view 28698

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