2Months after my nose surgery (Dr. Ryu Dong wan)

I got my nose surgery from Braun Plastic Surgery with Dr. Ryu Dong Wan. Now it's my condition after 2 months. The nose bridge was raised with silicone, and the tip of the nose was operated using ear cartilage and donated rib cartilage. My short, low nose has been a complex since I was young. I was afraid of side effects and failures, so I thought about it for a long time and decided to do the operation in my mid-20s. When I saw my pretty face I really satisfied with the result and regret my decision for not doing it earlier. If there is someone who was thinking for a long time to do the surgery, I recommend you to get a consultation. Thank you Doctor. left (before the surgery) right (2 months after surgery)

鼻整形 后记

2周前,朴光珉院长给我做了鼻整形 我原来的鼻子又矮鼻头又大,看起来很难看 而且左边鼻子是歪的,要整形也会很有难度吧 术后大家都说我变漂亮

2013-07-09 崔亚林 view 28363


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我做鼻整形有两周了~~ 没有肿也没有发青,上班完全不是问题! 商谈的时候院长十分亲切,听取了我的烦恼 给人的印象

2013-07-09 C级车 view 23811


通过朋友介绍,来到了博朗温整形外科做手术   之前颧骨很大还不对称,下巴也很大   严重的黑眼圈,显得上岁数了似的,非常烦恼   没完没了

2013-07-08 流华 view 25405


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 原来我的脸平平的,还有点鹰钩鼻,鼻尖下垂,看起来突嘴 脸看起来很宽,各种烦恼困扰着我 向很多人取经哪家医院好,

2013-07-06 小肉肉 view 25067

感谢李政勋院长 鼻整形后记

手术后两周了,每天的样子都在变漂亮,真的是很开心 一开始在五家医院做了商谈 在博朗温商谈后,就决定在这里做了 商谈室长很细心也很亲切,

2013-07-04 洪圣严 view 25993


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 大家好^8^ 我因为一次手术弄成了短鼻和朝天鼻   我的鼻子比照片看起来要更朝天,鼻孔也露的很多。。。。 鼻头也

2013-07-02 名不虚传 view 24047


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 活了十几年的矮鼻生活,但是在初三的时候深刻感到矮鼻给我的烦恼 上了高中后对自己的外貌更加关心了,对鼻子的烦恼

2013-07-01 快乐 view 27749


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我做了颧骨缩小术和V-line死角下颚手术 我很满意~ 感谢院长,脸的曲线非常柔和,变漂亮了! 明后天就50岁了,很多人都

2013-07-01 face view 23691

李政勋院长 鼻子手术完美后记

我原来是歪鼻加上驼峰鼻再加上有点鹰钩鼻。 用鼻中隔软骨调整了歪鼻,之后用耳软骨把我的鼻头做出来了~哈哈~ (我做的是博朗温的无假体手术)

2013-06-29 惠敏 view 25299

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