2Months after my nose surgery (Dr. Ryu Dong wan)

I got my nose surgery from Braun Plastic Surgery with Dr. Ryu Dong Wan. Now it's my condition after 2 months. The nose bridge was raised with silicone, and the tip of the nose was operated using ear cartilage and donated rib cartilage. My short, low nose has been a complex since I was young. I was afraid of side effects and failures, so I thought about it for a long time and decided to do the operation in my mid-20s. When I saw my pretty face I really satisfied with the result and regret my decision for not doing it earlier. If there is someone who was thinking for a long time to do the surgery, I recommend you to get a consultation. Thank you Doctor. left (before the surgery) right (2 months after surgery)


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 首先感谢院长!!^^ 手术前我的鼻子在别人看来,照片上也能看出来明显的右边假体堆在一起完全是个朝天鼻。 正考虑要

2013-01-14 小熙星 view 29581


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 11.21做了鼻子手术!! 鼻尖垫了鼻中隔软骨,鼻梁垫了硅胶~ 也垫了无下巴假体。 做了麻醉后因为身体总动,所以觉得是

2013-01-12 *-* view 25138


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 虽然是不需要讲解的照片但是…上面是手术前,下面是手术后照片。 我是很细心的人所以也打听了多家医院,在博朗温咨

2013-01-08 乌旺 view 30043


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我的鼻子并没有很难看,但是整体看是有些缺陷的鼻子。从侧面看是挺好看的可是正面看的话有点扁还有点园。又小又凹凸

2013-01-06 哈哈哈 view 25575


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 12月1号鼻子做了再手术。嘿嘿 我自己之前是不知道的,但是我原来的鼻子是朝天鼻加上照相一看 鼻子像山路似的歪了。呜

2013-01-03 是我呀 view 28776


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 上面照片是鼻子手术之前照的,下面照片是做完鼻子手术两周后照的照片。 本身鼻子有点小而且正面看都能看到鼻孔,所以

2013-01-03 金美善 view 25360


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我鼻梁是很高但是因为侧面看的时候明显的驼峰鼻而很自卑但也就那么过着。 可是看了即将要结婚的朋友们的照片发现了

2012-12-28 后记真鼻 view 27024


    大家好~ 我一个月前做了鼻子整形整天看着别人发的后记,这会儿自己发着都有点小紧张哈哈 我原来的鼻子有点肉肉的感觉,塌塌的 鼻尖不够挺

2012-12-28 恩熙 view 26574


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 在院长那里接受鼻子手术已经过了两周了^^ 曾经是个又小又圆,鼻头也朝天,让人很无语的

2012-12-19 涩! view 28219

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