2Months after my nose surgery (Dr. Ryu Dong wan)

I got my nose surgery from Braun Plastic Surgery with Dr. Ryu Dong Wan. Now it's my condition after 2 months. The nose bridge was raised with silicone, and the tip of the nose was operated using ear cartilage and donated rib cartilage. My short, low nose has been a complex since I was young. I was afraid of side effects and failures, so I thought about it for a long time and decided to do the operation in my mid-20s. When I saw my pretty face I really satisfied with the result and regret my decision for not doing it earlier. If there is someone who was thinking for a long time to do the surgery, I recommend you to get a consultation. Thank you Doctor. left (before the surgery) right (2 months after surgery)


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 第一张是手术前,第二张是手术后的照片。 3月最后一周做的,现在已有一个多月了。 以为是简单的手术呢~ 我本身就是

2012-04-28 jjjjjjjjjj view 27809


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 做了自然粘连和开上眼角快一个月了, 轻松的心态进了手术室,也轻松的结束了手术。^^ 跟在别的地方做的朋友们比没什

2012-04-27 漂亮眼 view 28057


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 光鼻子这回就是第二次了。 到处询问再手术有名的医院,打听到了博朗温。 咨询后觉得就是这儿,并约好了手术日期。

2012-04-27 漂亮恩妮 view 28268


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我认为我是一个可爱的形象而挺自豪的活了25年的女大学生。^^ 有一天照了一下镜子发现我的脸很腻烦。 觉得脸不清晰,

2012-04-25 雅芝 view 27638


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 今天是做鼻子手术第15天的日子!!! 听到了博朗温的院长做鼻子很自然的传闻所以去了博朗温接受了手术。 到处咨询过

2012-04-24 啊哼哼 view 30507


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 院长,我完全成龙了~鼻子,额头假体术第10天后记~~!! 首先是手术前照片,驼峰加鼻尖下垂导致嘴巴显得很凸……

2012-04-24 雅美 view 28616


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 使用鼻中隔做了再手术,使用膨体7年。这次做歪鼻矫正时用了鼻中隔因为我是又白又透的肌肤因此在硅胶外包了一层真皮做

2012-04-23 view 28657


这... 要把自己公开出来... 如果身边人看到了,我可是骑虎难下了 在这里,我也支持大家像我一样变身哦 眼皮每天都下垂着,无精打采的 无法用

2012-04-13 胡克 view 30595


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 本来高三毕业的时候想做手术的但是没做成。觉的如果现在再不做,估计没机会了 所以开始选择医院。那么多医院里选择

2012-03-30 Jae view 28003

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