2 Months after incision + eye + front splatter

It feels like I just got my first consultation yesterday but it's has been two months since I got my surgery. To be honest I was scared and afraid at that time but I'm glad I'm doing it. It's not hurt at all to sleep. Friendly consultation and meticulous surgery with Dr.Kim Seungmin. And more over Braun Plastic Surgery location it's really easy to reach by transportation so it's another plus point from me. I still have a little swelling but I think it will become more natural a month from now. I heard Braun has a good reputation for nose surgery. I'm thinking to get one.


您好 ~ ! 我是李政勋院长给商谈并做的胸部手术 ~~ 我希望是 b 杯,院长也说太大的话有点

2015-06-16 蕾梦娜 view 19236

I received cheekbone, chin and square jaw reduction surgeries from Dr. Kim, Tae-Kyu. (Review)

I’m embarrassed to post the review, but I do, because I made a promise with Dr. Kim. The pictures are in chronological order.   I had double eyel

2015-06-15 Grass view 19159

I received Review Rhinoplasty from Dr. Kim, Gui-Rak. (Review)

I received rhinoplasty from Dr. Kim, Gui-Rak . I had rhinoplasty with I-shaped implant transplanted. But, my nose was a bit short. So, I wanted to make it lo

2015-06-14 Bobbi view 19435


这是再手术之前的鼻子 这是以前沾夹板的时候 ~~ 一直看后记,突然自己来写日记感觉怪怪的呵呵,,, 以

2015-06-12 克拉嘿 view 19650

慎升奎院长眼睛手术后记 ^^

  我是单眼皮一直都想做眼睛手术,从小就想做, 高中的时候,离了双眼皮胶是活不了的呵呵呵,,, 都

2015-06-09 婷婷酱 view 19192


做了鼻子手术啦啦啦!!!!!!!!!!!! 我的鼻子是很小的,做完了又自然又漂亮超级超级满意~~ 还想做其他的整形…

2015-06-07 黄萌萌 view 19574

金兑奎院长轮廓手术,慎升奎院长鼻子修复手术, 朴善楦院长眼睛手术满意后记~~

手术还不到一个月,已经出来效果了嘿嘿.... 就在这里简单写下我的后记~~ 轮廓和眼睛是第一次手术, 鼻子是再手术

2015-06-03 么么哒 view 19441


我的额头不算小的, 但是不饱满,很扁平,照照片的时候尤其显得很平 … 再怎么增肥脸颊和额头也是不会长肉的

2015-06-01 豌豆 view 19112


鼻子手术之前 差不多咨询了 10 家医院!! 但是没有让我想要决定下来的医院 想着再商谈最后一个医院,

2015-06-01 想静静 view 19407

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