2 Months after incision + eye + front splatter

It feels like I just got my first consultation yesterday but it's has been two months since I got my surgery. To be honest I was scared and afraid at that time but I'm glad I'm doing it. It's not hurt at all to sleep. Friendly consultation and meticulous surgery with Dr.Kim Seungmin. And more over Braun Plastic Surgery location it's really easy to reach by transportation so it's another plus point from me. I still have a little swelling but I think it will become more natural a month from now. I heard Braun has a good reputation for nose surgery. I'm thinking to get one.


来写后记了 ~ 上面的照片是手术前 , 从很早之前就很担心我的鼻子了 …. 我

2014-09-11 khdhd view 19372


眼部手术之前我的双眼皮线条 , 内双 , 有一点点很小的细线条 给 眼睛

2014-09-08 twinkle view 19348


大家好   我来写后记啦 ~ 通过 朋友介绍知道了博朗温整形外科

2014-09-03 朴努力 view 20394


* 手术前 *       ( 短小的鼻子 , 矮鼻

2014-09-02 李海英 view 19997


大家好 `~ 因为我之前的脸型是四角形的脸型 , 所以我决心要做面部轮廓的手术 ( 为了给和我相似脸型的朋友们一点参考 ,

2014-08-26 雅龙 view 19916

男士的鼻部手术 感谢后记

我的眉间间隔宽 , 鼻子也是歪鼻 , 像是福鼻一样的塌鼻子 鼻尖的部分很矮 , 看我整个人的样子很像是很迟钝的形象 , 所以一直想要

2014-08-18 丹尼波尼 view 20339

双眼皮修复手术+后眼角手术 3个月感谢后记~

大家好 ~~~ 我在 3 个月前接受了眼部的再次手术和后眼角手术 , 手术之后效果非常好我很满足 ~ 所以来写感谢后记啦 ~

2014-08-16 glee view 20154


大家好 ` 这是我的鼻部手术前后的对比照片 ..   我没有商谈太多的鼻部手术 , 在博朗温商谈之后就立刻订的决定

2014-08-13 金孝珍 view 21273


大家好 ~~ 做了颧骨手术已经过了 1 个月啦 ~ 我是 25 岁的女孩 ~~   小的时候是对我的颧骨不满意,现在年龄也大

2014-08-11 25,首尔 view 20884

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