2 Months after incision + eye + front splatter

It feels like I just got my first consultation yesterday but it's has been two months since I got my surgery. To be honest I was scared and afraid at that time but I'm glad I'm doing it. It's not hurt at all to sleep. Friendly consultation and meticulous surgery with Dr.Kim Seungmin. And more over Braun Plastic Surgery location it's really easy to reach by transportation so it's another plus point from me. I still have a little swelling but I think it will become more natural a month from now. I heard Braun has a good reputation for nose surgery. I'm thinking to get one.

鼻+眼尾向下 赞! 【李政勋院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 大家好~ 院长给我做了鼻整形,眼角向下术~~ 我鼻子又小又矮,眼睛原来是双眼皮,但是眼角上翘 之前是想了好多医院,

2014-04-15 1105 view 25758

隆胸整形后记 【李政勋院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 黑衣是手术后,蓝衣是手术前   我植入了275cc的硅胶假体 我个子比较高,胸廓也比较大,隆胸的话也想要明显的效果 院

2014-04-13 roserina view 23070

痛并快乐着,颧骨旋转术 ㅅ截骨后记 【金兑奎院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 手术虽然不容易,看到效果还是笑逐颜开,颧骨旋转术 ㅅ截骨后记 没有这样看过手术前后的对比照,效果真的很显著 上

2014-04-12 heynism0508 view 26595


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 院长给我做的颧骨旋转术,今天是第五天了 耳朵附近处拆线后,给院长看了结果,院长说我比别人消肿快得多,几乎没有

2014-04-11 颧骨大人 view 23951


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 院长给我做了后眼角,自然粘连双眼皮又两个月了   以前虽然有双眼皮但是不够清晰 最近都流行大眼睛,所以我来到医

2014-04-11 view 23835


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 这次过年做了鼻整形 虽然人很多,护士们照顾的很周到没有感到不便 院长对手术也说的很仔细,我的担心也就不见了 鼻

2014-04-10 kkkrorw view 23665

鼻整形,脂肪填充后记 【李政勋院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 鼻整形前,我的鼻梁很矮,鼻尖也还很圆很宽,额头也平平的很烦恼 一直想做鼻整形和脂肪填充,真要做的时候又害怕起

2014-04-08 金希珍 view 27439


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 首先要向院长表示感谢 做了额头假体后,大家都说我漂亮了 之前凹凸不平的额头困扰了我很久   商谈前还犹豫不决是假

2014-04-06 Jihey82 view 23150

鼻修复术后记 【李政勋院长】

p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 认识的姐姐向我推荐了博朗温 四年前在仁川做了鼻整形,鼻孔不对称很严重,还有些朝天 烦了很久之后,看起来没事,照

2014-04-05 松儿 view 25156

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