2 Months after incision + eye + front splatter

It feels like I just got my first consultation yesterday but it's has been two months since I got my surgery. To be honest I was scared and afraid at that time but I'm glad I'm doing it. It's not hurt at all to sleep. Friendly consultation and meticulous surgery with Dr.Kim Seungmin. And more over Braun Plastic Surgery location it's really easy to reach by transportation so it's another plus point from me. I still have a little swelling but I think it will become more natural a month from now. I heard Braun has a good reputation for nose surgery. I'm thinking to get one.


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 做完手术已经过了两周啦~ 3年前用埋线的方法做了双眼皮。结果一边开线了~所以为了重新做手术, 一直找医院,不知道为

2012-02-29 金顺姬 view 27098


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 从以前开始就因为鼻子太难看各种受刺激。 我终于也拥有鼻梁啦!嘿嘿~~ 以前一直也没有了解过整形外科。结果一了解!

2012-02-29 KJMIN view 25169


慎升奎院长给做了眼整形 我以前做过隆鼻和鼻翼缩小 因为有过手术经验,也相信博朗温的实力 我就直接预约了 朋友们都说很成功很漂亮 现在其实

2012-02-29 亚尼亚尼 view 24514


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我的亲姐姐在博朗温做了鼻子,我觉得很好所以放假也来做啦。 原来就是觉得自己鼻子不好看。但是因为怕手术,一直没

2012-02-28 SSY view 27918


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 五官里面最不满意的是鼻子所以一直在找合适的医院, 其中最满意的就是博朗温啦。  &

2012-02-24 嘿嘿 view 24726


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 大家好,我是打算在过年年休的时候做鼻子的。一直在网上寻找,看到论坛里说博朗温做鼻子 做得好,之后就预约去商谈

2012-02-20 巧克力妈妈 view 28649


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 手术后2周了~ 因为我的鼻子在做就是第三次了,所以非常的慎重。 最后选择的博朗温。 可能是因为是做修复手术吧。所

2012-02-20 jey view 25720


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 真的太谢谢院长了! 根本不需要在多说什么!直接看照片! 强烈推荐。。。。。。。。。。。院长!

2012-02-14 SJH view 23626


因为是修复术,慎重的走访了十几家医院,最后来到了博朗温整形外科 最后的才是最好的?不错的选择。手术前鼻子又大又圆,很是担心 现在非常满

2012-02-14 嘉芸 view 27059

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