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2 Months after incision + eye + front splatter
It feels like I just got my first consultation yesterday but it's has been two months since I got my surgery. To be honest I was scared and afraid at that time but I'm glad I'm doing it. It's not hurt at all to sleep. Friendly consultation and meticulous surgery with Dr.Kim Seungmin. And more over Braun Plastic Surgery location it's really easy to reach by transportation so it's another plus point from me. I still have a little swelling but I think it will become more natural a month from now. I heard Braun has a good reputation for nose surgery. I'm thinking to get one.
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 12月9号做的手术,今天刚好2周了。决定做手术后我想去咨询过20多家医院把。我之前找过非常有名的医院,但是觉得商业性
2011-12-28 妍一 view 24789
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 254012月中旬做了鼻子和额头!!!嘿嘿嘿我的鼻子是典型的猪鼻子,又扁又圆,真的很塌...做完鼻子后自信感直线上升~首先
2011-12-28 wpffl view 21306
7月5日朴光珉院长给做了鼻整形 以前一直受到蒜头鼻和鹰钩鼻的烦恼,下决心后决定做手术。 四处走访了好多家医院,综合了各方面因素选择了博
2011-12-24 馨睿 view 28230
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 在博朗温院长哪里做的鼻子手术和30分钟的颧骨手术~又矮又宽的福鼻,高的让人无语的颧骨...呜呜现在变得这样了哦~~
2011-12-19 开朗微笑 view 27148
李政勋院长给做了手术 现在已经两周了 我的鼻梁还可以,就没用硅胶 鼻尖用了鼻中隔软骨 没用硅胶,也就不用担心副作用了,嘿嘿 鹰钩鼻
2011-12-16 黄莱 view 25533
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 平时不管我怎么化妆,但是因为没有双眼皮,总觉得不好看。 而且眼睛太小了。一直觉得是个烦心事。 朋友们告诉我我的
2011-12-15 壁尼 view 24928
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 一直因为自己的驼峰鼻和鹰钩鼻头疼!现在都没了!太开心! 而且大家看我原来很明显的八字纹也淡了~很神奇哦! 手术
2011-12-15 Hee view 28710
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我是在10月25好做得鼻子。 走访了10家做鼻子有名的医院。但是想博朗温一样给找CT 而且商谈这么自己的真的是一家也没有
2011-12-14 栗子树 view 26280
p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 几年前开始就想做鼻子了,终于在博朗温做了手术! 我在网上非常认真地看后记找后记!但是其他的医院看到的很多都是
2011-12-13 轻轻 view 27384