- Perkenalan Braun
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- Pasca Operasi
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I really didn’t want to get a surgery because it was so scary but I had to get my revision rhinoplasty surgery done so I had to make my mind to get the job done. I had a consultation with my consul
2020-01-09 Braun view 336131
The first 3 photos: Before The last 3 photos: After I had a nose operation about 5~6 years ago, using silicon and nasal septum cartilage. I didn't like the shape of my nose from the beginning. I d
2019-10-04 prettydani view 837430
The 1st photo: Before The 2nd photo: After Hello~ I am a male in my late 20s. The cheekbone was always a complex. For months! I had been looking into having surgery and finally I had the surgery
2019-10-02 shipchilcha view 20084
The 1st photo: Before The 2nd photo: 1 day after the surgery The 3rd photo: 2 days after the surgery The 4th photo: 3 days after the surgery The 5th photo: 1 week after the surgery I came to Br
2019-10-01 youjinkim view 726938
The 1st & 2nd photos: After The 3rd & 4th photos: Before Ever since I was young, I have always heard that my face is big and I have strong impression. I grew up with a lot of stress because of my
2019-09-27 BURT S BEES view 183156
The 1st photo: Before The 2nd photo: After I am here to write my 1 year breast surgery review. You improve other parts of my body on my own but it is hard to do that with the breasts. I even t
2019-09-26 ppangppang view 27400
The 1st photo: Before The 2nd photo: After I got double eyelid surgery and ptosis correction! I had long eyes with double eyelids, but I was always stressed out about my inner double eyelids and
2019-09-25 dndn view 20562
I had breast augmentation surgery at Braun. I wanted to have breast augmentation surgery before getting married, so I had been thinking about it a lot. And I told my husband to be about my concern
2019-09-24 jjooni view 30512
The 1st & 2nd photos: Before The 3rd photo: After I already had double eyelids, but they were too thin, so I had to look down in order to show the eyelids. I was thinking about whether I should d
2019-09-24 chohyunah view 22519