- Perkenalan Braun
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- Lipatan mata
- Lifting
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- Pasca Operasi
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My nose was low and the tip of my nose was wide, so I was never confident when taking a picture and I was already busy editing my picture using Photoshop, but now I am confident. It’s all because
2016-06-13 ㅋㅋ view 19550
My nose was low so I used to get filler, then decided to have rhinoplasty My mom said she gave me a massage for my nose to make it higher but I think what you are born with can’t be changed In f
2016-06-07 JW view 24527
1. Before the reoperation, nobody knew I had a rhinoplasty... My first surgery was 8 years ago. While I was looking for a reoperation for my eyes, I was offered a discount if I got a rhinoplasty,
2016-06-02 Dodam Dodam view 24256
My eyes had no double eyelid even though I would get a line when I was tired Sometimes I tried to clip it so I would get double eyelids, but it just made eyelid skin wrinkly I was checking out dou
2016-05-28 Lion view 26914
My face was a pentagonal shape with prominent cheekbones and a square jaw. My face was square and wide Since I am a man with short hair I couldn’t hide it with my hair or do make up to hide it, so
2016-05-19 Gumi view 20561
I had no double eyelid and my nose was hooked! I was stressed out with my hooked nose so I was going to get surgery, then my mom told me to get eye surgery as well. So I was thinking about it. I
2016-05-13 Yeadon view 19423
My nose had everything, it was a long, hooked, deviated nose and I had sepal deviation Because of my deviated nose, whenever I was sleeping, breathing wasn’t easy. I had my mouth open while sleepin
2016-05-07 Know the reason why it’s here view 21483
I had a hooked nose, so I had been thinking about rhinoplasty since high school. My other facial features were small but my nose was too big and hooked, which gave me a lot of stress. I was checki
2016-05-05 S view 20801
When my breasts were small, my bra went up as I stretched my arm. So I had to pretend I was just fixing my shirt to pull my bra down I think I read all the breast surgery reviews on the Braun homepa
2016-04-29 Charlie charlie view 30889