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1st photo : before 2nd photo : after It’s been 6 months after the breast surgery Today someone complimented me on my breasts, which brought me here for the review I guess everyone has th
2019-08-22 livinganewlife view 19639
1st photo : Cheek after surgery 2nd photo : Cheek before surgery 3rd photo: Nose after surgery 4th photo: Nose before surgery Hello, I got 3D malar reduction + sunken cheek reduction along wit
2019-08-22 strawberrymilk view 20495
The 1st photo: Before The 2nd photo: After (front) The 3rd photo: After (side) The 4th photo: After It has been 2 months since my facial contouring surgery. I didn't have a square jaw or angled
2019-08-21 thankyou view 23473
1st photo: Before 2nd photo: Surgery day 3rd photo: 3 days after 4th photo: a week after 5th photo: 10 days after 6th photo: 15 days after 7th photo: 40 days after Hello It’s been exac
2019-08-21 Kimjeongyae view 28690
photo: After surgery I used to be self-conscious about my cheeks, and after much consideration, I ended up getting the cheek surgery from the doctor at Braun. I could sense his confidence and the
2019-08-20 Kimseulki view 20105
1st photo : Before 2nd photo : After Braun was recommended to me as this place has a great reputation for both rhinoplasty (even for male), and I ended up getting rhinoplasty. My nose used to be
2019-08-19 J.Y.Park view 22883
1st photo : After 2nd photo : Before Let me start with posting my beautiful breast I am here to share my breast surgery experience I used to only wear things like box t shirts to cover my flat
2019-08-16 Rnddl view 73477
I had surgery at the end of January. In fact, I had front chin advancement surgery 5 years ago, which was a real failure. The short chin is really better, and the worse is that the lower jaw became to
2019-08-14 Mmm view 26651
1st and 2nd photos : After 3rd photo: Before Last photo: The surgery day Hello, it’s been such a while since I last visited Braun’s official website and here I am to share my review on the br
2019-08-13 nopushupbraneeded view 21777