My Breast Augmentation Review

Its been 6 months since I got my breast augmentation done at Braun. I'm so grateful to have had Dr.Lee Jiwon as my surgeon. The staff at Braun also took such good care of me during my entire recovery process. I was considering breast augmentation for about 2 years and I was so conflicted as to which clinic to go to. I'm really glad that I waited for the right surgeon. Dr.Jiwon listened to all my concerns and gave me advice when it came to choosing the implant size. He also reassured me about the myths and fears I had with having an foreign object inside my body. All my friends are amazed at how natural my breasts look. I am about 6 months post-op but and the shape gets better day by day. I am now more confident with my body, it feels like I own the body of my dreams. Seriously the best choice I've ever done!


看真实后记 , 基本都是女生的留言 , 作为男生的我 , 怕有偏见 ,但还是 鼓起勇气写下了后记 ~~ 我呢 , 做了面部轮廓和

2015-04-07 min view 19197


手术前~~ 手术后~~!! 我的皮肤很松软 , 皮肤也薄, 很容易产生皱纹和下垂, 过了 30 后 , 很明显的感觉到皮

2015-04-07 草莓酱 view 19382

I received Rhinoplasty from Dr. Lee, Jung-Hun. (Review)

It’s been two weeks since I received rhinoplasty from Dr. Lee, Jung-Hun. I had bulbous nose, but it became much sharper. The swelling went down fast, so I look natural alread

2015-04-06 橡皮擦 view 19110


啊?! 因为这个高颧骨,不喜欢照镜子也不喜欢照照片 ~  看手术之前的照片,颧骨太高了,一直想做轮廓手术,也一直在着手

2015-04-04 轻柔 view 18913


这是手术前的照片 ~~~~(>_

2015-04-03 夏天的云 view 19006


手术后~ 手术前~ 一月份做的自然粘连双眼皮手术~~, 现在已经两个多月了~~ 老妈答应我放寒假的时候给我做双眼皮手术, 正好朋友

2015-04-03 春暖花开 view 19092


手术后 手术前 我是驼峰鼻加上矮鼻梁,苦恼了很长时间~~ 一直都知道博朗温的鼻子手术很出名,徘徊挣扎了一段时期,决定了在博

2015-04-02 白蛇小青 view 19018

金兑奎院长的30分钟颧骨手术..Vline四角下颚手术… 非常满意的后记~~

我…10年前开始….就到处打听咨询各个医院…一直没有合适的医院…. 放弃了….我身边的朋友也有做的,因为副作用,都五年了,还是没有回复好

2015-04-01 神丹寂寞 view 18796


这是手术前我的鼻子ㅜㅜ 我呢今年20岁了,我的鼻子是朝天鼻, 鼻头胚 鼻孔也大,从正面能看到鼻孔眼。 从小就受到嘲笑的我下定决心一定要做

2015-03-31 香草 view 19102

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