My Breast Augmentation Review

Its been 6 months since I got my breast augmentation done at Braun. I'm so grateful to have had Dr.Lee Jiwon as my surgeon. The staff at Braun also took such good care of me during my entire recovery process. I was considering breast augmentation for about 2 years and I was so conflicted as to which clinic to go to. I'm really glad that I waited for the right surgeon. Dr.Jiwon listened to all my concerns and gave me advice when it came to choosing the implant size. He also reassured me about the myths and fears I had with having an foreign object inside my body. All my friends are amazed at how natural my breasts look. I am about 6 months post-op but and the shape gets better day by day. I am now more confident with my body, it feels like I own the body of my dreams. Seriously the best choice I've ever done!


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 9月末做了手术,现在过去了一个多月。人生第一次做手术担心了很多也到处问了很多家。虽然去了很多家,但是还是觉得博

2011-11-18 joo view 24940


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 你好,我刚从欧洲旅行回来,一直的梦想是就业之前一定要去欧洲旅游一次来着。之前我因为我的鼻子而自卑,我想让它变

2011-11-16 吼丫 view 26852


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 大家好,我是因为鼻子受伤才做的手术。刚开始的时候只说鼻骨有几块损伤但手术中发现鼻软骨整个都碎了...所以手术时间

2011-11-15 gee view 25772


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我的鼻形是鼻梁低,鼻子短而小。我以为把鼻梁跟鼻尖垫高就行,但是在博朗温接受商谈,照完CT以后才发现不是那么简单

2011-11-10 朱诺奇诺 view 26073


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 你好~ 我做了双眼皮~ 是以自然粘连法做的,肿消的很快而且做出来的效果非常自然。 所以这样留后记呢,呵呵~ 最近天

2011-11-08 吼吼吼 view 25700


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 鼻子手术两周后后记^^ 想做鼻子手术所以和朋友打听过了很多地方也搜索了很多网页时预约了两三处去咨询因此第一次访问

2011-10-31 水晶 view 26487


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 在博朗温院长那里做了鼻子和八字纹手术。 鼻子我拜托院长要给我做的高高的,还有我比别人水肿也更厉害淤青也更严重

2011-10-29 生生后记 view 27649


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 你好~ 我做了眼睛(自然粘连)+开前眼角+鼻子手术 首先是手术前照片。 眼睛=眼睛很长… 第一次去咨询的时候说我有

2011-10-24 手术超级满足的一个人 view 25484


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 我做了鼻子手术..手术已有一个月了。 手术前纠结了很长时间也很犹豫但是做完以后真是庆幸做了手术。 之前因为矮鼻梁

2011-10-21 允儿 view 27336

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