1 month after FC, rhinoplasty and eyelid surgery

It's been a month since I had facial contouring, rhinoplasty and my revisional eyelid surgery at Braun. I am loving the results so far! Eyes - Dr.Kim Seung Min made my double eyelid symmetrical and also made it as thin and possible like I have requested. Nose - Dr.Lee Ji Won removed my hump on the bridge and changed my droopy tip and made it more projected. Facial Contouring - Dr.Kim Tae Gyu, I was a huge fan because of the youtube videos. He really understood my concerns and improved the overall assymetry and even though I still have swelling left, I can see that my contouring lines have become smooth. This trip to Korea was totally worth it!


手术之前我完全是朝天鼻 ~~!! 现在朋友都说是个奇迹 , 都问我为什么不早早做手术呵呵呵呵.... 现在每一天都很幸福 ~~

2015-05-04 巴斯特兹 view 19521


在 金贵洛院长那做鼻子修复手术有几个月了 时间过得真快 , 记得当时很辛苦了 , 但是现在看来当时的选择真是个正确的选择 ~~

2015-05-02 sss.y view 19235

I received Review Double Eyelid Surgery from Joe, Young-Kyu. (Review)

Before Surgery After Surgery After graduating high school and before entering college, I received double eyelid surgery, but the ey

2015-04-28 蒙娜丽莎 view 23512


上个月在慎升奎院长那做的手术 ~~ 高中的时候在姑姑认识的熟人开的医院做的鼻子 , 价钱是很便宜 , 但是手术做的很失败

2015-04-25 年糕 view 19333


不知道是不是因为我小时候特别喜欢吃鱿鱼这样的东西 , 下颚特别发达 ,   还经常嚼口香糖 … 哎 打过肉毒素,没有

2015-04-19 朱泥老师 view 19087

I received Teardrop Breast Implant Surgery from Dr. Lee, Jung-Hun. (Review)

It’s been almost six months since I received teardrop breast implant. I’m skinny and had flat breast, so I was called stick or branch. And I was stressed out when I was meeting my

2015-04-15 褐色芭比 view 39485

朴善楦院长自然粘连双眼皮手术后记~~ 非常满意哟~~

您好 !  为了感谢朴善楦院长来这里写的后记 !!!!!! 我是标准的单眼皮的 ~( ⊙ v ⊙ ) 嗯看到照片我相信大家都

2015-04-12 樱桃小丸子 view 18818


我的脸也圆鼓鼓 , 鼻子也圆鼓鼓 , 都叫我面包超人 , 哎 好心烦~~ 嘿嘿在博朗温医院嚓嚓嚓整理掉了 ^^ 现在从面包超人

2015-04-11 银雅铁道 view 18999


现在手术一个月了, 浮肿基本都消掉了,鼻型大概也都不来了~~ 手术前鼻子小还露鼻孔,照照片的时候显得特别厉害,

2015-04-08 飞跃太平洋 view 19085

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