1 month after FC, rhinoplasty and eyelid surgery

It's been a month since I had facial contouring, rhinoplasty and my revisional eyelid surgery at Braun. I am loving the results so far! Eyes - Dr.Kim Seung Min made my double eyelid symmetrical and also made it as thin and possible like I have requested. Nose - Dr.Lee Ji Won removed my hump on the bridge and changed my droopy tip and made it more projected. Facial Contouring - Dr.Kim Tae Gyu, I was a huge fan because of the youtube videos. He really understood my concerns and improved the overall assymetry and even though I still have swelling left, I can see that my contouring lines have become smooth. This trip to Korea was totally worth it!


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 这个是手术前有点看不清哦, 鼻梁是不高不矮的有点驼峰,鼻翼也有点宽。 是有点福鼻所以从前开始就很自卑,这次要做

2013-02-02 zH view 29226


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 上面照片是手术前,下面照片是手术后。^^       你好!!!这是去年12月20日做

2013-02-01 布婴布婴 view 26068


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 大家好~~~ 我是3个月前手术的池**。知道我吧?? 平时因为宽的下觀很瘦很有压力,,咨询几家以后!! 相中了博朗温,

2013-01-25 view 27747


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 上面照片是手术前!!我是完全没有鼻梁只是鼻尖稍微翘的那种鼻子。 也有点驼峰整体就是个很矮的鼻子~因此决定了要去

2013-01-22 朴昭熙 view 29598


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 上传前后对比照了。 做了鼻炎手术还有鼻梁垫了硅胶,让驼峰骨和鼻骨变薄,鼻尖用了鼻中隔软骨和耳软骨做的手术。 从

2013-01-20 申南达 view 25798

感谢金贵洛院长 鼻整形后记

我以前有鼻炎,还有点鹰钩鼻,一直困扰着我 偶然间知道了博朗温整形外科金贵洛院长 因为是从外地来首尔的,预约了好多家医院商谈 我还要做鼻

2013-01-19 2121 view 29494


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 这是手术前照片…根本找不到鼻梁。呜呜~ 我的鼻子又小又短又矮,好像只是为了呼吸而有的。 我的颧骨有点凸但是因为

2013-01-18 蓝头发 view 25749


通过朋友介绍,朴光珉院长给做了手术   我因为鼻子矮而做了隆鼻,手术结果挺好的   不仅是家里人,身边的朋友也都说很好   郑惠兰商谈室长

2013-01-17 barm view 28696


p{margin:0px;} td {font-size:9pt;} 到处咨询过后来的博朗温,价钱没想象中的贵,我立马预约了。 磨了驼峰骨并且切了右边的宽骨。 咨询的室长好亲切~ 我

2013-01-15 戛纳哒 view 26064

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