Real Selfie

Real Selfie


Real Selfie

Real Selfie
มาสัมผัสกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ทุกคนต้องทึ่งด้วยการ ศัลยกรรมที่แน่นอนและปลอดภัยของบราวน์

title I received Rhinoplasty from Dr. Kim, Gui-Rak. (Review)




I received rhinoplasty from Dr. Kim, Gui-Rak .

Before the rhinoplasty , I had implanted derma fillers into entire nose. But the effect has faded in only a year, so I went to Braun Plastic Surgery Clinic, had consultation with Dr. Kim, Gui-Rak and decided to get rhinoplasty .

The consultation with Dr. Kim relieved my anxiety. A week before the surgery, fillers implanted in the nose got melted, which reminded me one more time that my nose was really low and flat. Before the surgery, I was worried that if I get surgery, I might look too artificial. Doctor increased the height of nose bridge and nasal tip, using cartilages of ear and nasal spectrum. After I woke up from anesthesia, the surgery was over. Yes, it was really tough for the first week, but all those pain was worthy. After cast removal, my new nose looks natural, good on my face.

Thank you, Doctor. Now, I’m confident with my nose, so I take selfie of only the side face. In particular, I appreciate Braun’s whole services from the consultation to postoperative care, including deep cleansing. Once again, thank you doctors. You cared about me so much.


金兑奎院长轮廓手术,慎升奎院长鼻子修复手术, 朴善楦院长眼睛手术满意后记~~

手术还不到一个月,已经出来效果了嘿嘿.... 就在

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豌豆 2015-06-01 19116


鼻子手术之前 差不多咨询了 10 家医院!!

想静静 2015-06-01 19413

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小田螺 2015-05-26 19061

徐辅翊院长 鼻子手术后记^^*

因为驼峰鼻的原因, 照照片的时候都不会照侧面

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郑怡 2015-05-21 20391


金兑奎院长 !!嘿嘿.... 按照约定来写下了这篇后记

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I received Rhinoplasty from Dr. Kim, Gui-Rak. (Review)

I received rhinoplasty from Dr. Kim, Gui-Rak . Befor

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I received Review Rhinoplasty from Dr. Lee, Jung-Hun. (Review)

Drooped nasal tip before the reoperation

靖靖一 2015-05-09 23050


您好 ~!! 在博朗温整形外科做了轮廓手术几

麻布 2015-05-07 19412
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